Another trip to UCLA Westwood for Surgery, I was very apprehensive about this time. Mainly after my last surgery at Community Memorial in Ventura. My wife was very concerned about me being intabated as I can not swallow and her concern was that I may vomit and aspirate on that. During that surgery they gave me a High Epidermal so no problem. That was not an option in this surgery. They had to knock me out.
Well I came through in flying colors and no nausea. however there is a great deal of pain. It started hurting on the drive home, and has gotten worse. Joyce gave a good dose of vicadin and that has taken the edge off along with an aspirin. Bone pain very deep and constant. I will be ok in a few days so there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I had my moral crew Joyce,Kristen, and Dakota with me Kris drove both ways Mom entertained Dakota, and Dakota entertained all the staff. Dr. Blackwell came in with an almost completely shaved head, I let him know it was not my favorite. It turns out it his ritual when he travels to Fiji to surf the big waves once a year. 20' waves so he said and he had a great time. Joyce was a rock as usual. Derek and Tisha will be over tomorrow. Derek would have come down also but I told him not to use a day off I would be fine. Great Hospital, Great Staff, #3 in the Nation and they are working hard to be #1 so they say. My fears are all behind me as they didn't say they saw anything new or to be concerned about. Knock on wood.
This pat weekend the Canning fools went at it again. They,being Joyce, Kristen,and Judith. The three of them knocked tomato's of various styles, a jalapeno jelly and grape jam. The home smelled terrific all day.
1 comment:
You seriously make my soul smile dad. Had a great day with you yesterday. The fondu and veggies were tasty and fun. You mentioned school by January, that sounds great. What about this for a great, really push ya, goal? Me and Jerrod started talks about doing an iron butt ride in the spring. You think you could get in shape, get a bike, and go with? Either way, you are invited, and would be pretty cool.
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