It must be true, the sky is falling , all things are coming to a quick and dire end. It's obvious just look to the kitchen. The woman folk have taken to the ramparts and are preparing foods for the oncoming tide of misfortunes headed all of our ways. It seems to be happening here almost every weekend the fruits of this summers fields fill our kitchen with smells and aromas of pending doom.
The ripe pungent aroma of Italian Tomato Sauce, The tangy zest of red grape jelly. The tart sugary scent of appricot preseves. and let us not forget the heated tang of Jalapeno Jelly. This just names a few of the canned delights that came out of my kitchen in the past few months. I guess I should not say my kitchen as it primarily is Joyce's , Kristen,Tisha, Debby, Judiths kitchen than it is mine. I'm allowed in there at times and do relish those moments. I know it is tough for Joyce to cook for one, and she loves to cook and is a great cook.
As a matter of fact I've always been surrounded by incredible cooks. My Mom was awesome with pure home foods; fried chicken, mashed potatoe's, gravies of all sorts. Vegtables cooked were great and abundant and mostly from our backyard, as were the chickens and ducks and turkey's, I raised rabbit's, slaughtered them, packed them up and took them to our local Mom and Pop Grocery Store. Mom would also cook the rabbit;s, like fried chicken, and it was very good. Then I marrried my wife who's family is filled with good cooks.
Anyway back to the point of this missel the old tyme art of canning is still alive and well on 4723 Mascagni St. Pickles, Tomatoes, Jellies, Jam's we have frozen corn and string beans so we must be having a down turn in the economy the only thing we have not done is put wax on top of jelly and jam. I still love to cook , even when I can't eat and it is amazing how the smell of a paricular food can trigger a barrage of memorires. or the hint of a spice can make you recall a place or a person.
So the down side of not being able to eat or drink is not so down really it ia just another way of enjoying those senses in a different manner.
1 comment:
A very interesting connection. It seems to me that everyone is awaiting the outcome of the election. Like if one person is elected magically the next day, everything will be okay again. At the best, some time after that, we may take up a new better heading. Either way at least we can keep the memories of the smells of yester years.
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