While being interviewed on air, after winning a Senior Tournament he was asked what he thought of his putting performance over the Tournament. "Well if I had to choose between my Wife and my putter, well I would miss her. " I don't know why that struck me so funny today, but it did while working out back I would find myself chuckling out loud over it. It really isn't very nice, but there are a whole genre of male chauvinist jokes out there, much to the disgrace of my liberated soul I still find them funny.
The driveway/ Porch/ sidewalk is almost done another 2 hours or so the super. says. After a somewhat shaky start the project is zipping right along, and I really like the look, Now it must pass Joyce s eagle eyes. I think it will. I should have new pictures in a few hours of the finished product, as well as some of the during construction phase. Well as usual I'm wrong the curve on the right side is not as big an S as she had wanted. Oh well--------------- It's done and I do like it .
Speaking of things I like, today was one of those days that I have every few months. That is I think of food and my missing one of life's great pleasures. I think about the favorite meals I've had in my life. I used to love going out to dinner as well as Breakfast and Lunch, for that matter. Some of my favorite restaurants are "The Bruckenkeller" in Frankfurt Germany; start at 6:30 pm and finish around 11:00 pm What a meal a nice wait between courses time to talk and reflect on the past wine etc. The Western Rib House in Rancho Cordova incredible BBQ: Tony's in Ventura with the old staff , great everything and then apple pie ala mode with a warmed snifter of Grand Mairne, and Linda Fey on the keyboards; There were several restaurants in Sacramento; La Salles, Wolf's The Firehouse, The Herford House, to name a few. Here in Venura, the old Charthouse, The Sportsman, now The Aloaha. Santa Barbara Buchon's and the Mexican restaurant in the open air mall. Breakfast at the Deer Lodge, The Biltmore for Easter Brunch in Santa Barbara. Lunch at once was Tommy;s in Camarillo and then moved and became Jimmy's in Camarillo, as well as Chili Peppers, and The Crab House. Thats just a few of the many , but my point here is really what I miss, and that is Home cooking and Baking I love going out , but I really LOVE eating at home Here are a few of my favorites Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimings, Christmas Dinner with a Prime Rib, New Years with a Pork Roast, Black-eyed pas, and collard greens, mashed potatoes and gravy. Other Fav's Meat loaf, English eggs, Tuna on toast, Chipped beef on toast, Mom.s fried chicken My potato salad, and Chili, Liver and Onions,Pork chops,Beef stew, Navy bean soup, French Onion soup.
Sorry to hear you are going through a tough day. I say treat yourself to something you love or enjoy.
I do, and that feels good but at times you just can't help but feel down about it but I bounce right back
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