It is finally 100% contained, Monticeto fire, that is. What an incredible week of loss once again in California. A fire started by rambucious kids at an old place in the Monticito area of Santa Barbara. We have family up there and were very concerned about their well being as well as their properties. Fortunately they are fine as is their property. It did come very close, far too close for comfort. This is a view the fire from George and Susan's Home, as are all the others here. Taken by Susan, shortly before they had to evacuate. They went down to some friends house in Santa Barbara, where they had a view of their home. While sitting , watching the advancing fire near their home the saw an aircraft make a direct drop on the edge of their property stopping the fire in it's tracks.
Hard to imagine the pain all those people that lost all their vauables, as well as, and more importantly their invaluables. Now we hear their was a water shortage at some of the hydrants further south. How can that be??? We can understand the fierceness of the fire that overwhelmed the fireman in the mobile home park. Orange county seems to have played roulette with the fire prepardness after the previous fires we have suffered thru. How can we allow poloticians do this to us again, and again.
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