It's hard for me to put into words how quickly this little girl is growing up. I can recall the first times we were going to have her for the night. All seemed well on those nights up until the bedtime hour and then it was another story, the bathroom, a sip of milk, and on until she would get sad and want her Mommy. We would then call Kris and Randy with the news. One or the other would don the slippers and trek over to pick her up.
On 6/27 of this year we had our first successful overnighter. It was wonderful we watched a movie, Heidi (with Shirley Temple) that was really my 1st time seeing it also. It was really more of an adult story, but Dakota loved it. She got sleepy before the end so we paused the VCR (?) and watch the end in the am. Joyce (Gaugee for those in the know) slept with her downstairs. She was up bright and early, well before me but I did get the end of the movie as they had breakfast. I think blueberry pancakes and eggs with bacon, and milk.
It was the third of July for the second overnighter that one did not go near as well, as a matter of fact it was real hard. Our little Angel went from wanting to go home to exhaustion , and back again several times before she crashed. I play with her, but she tires of me pretty quick. not really Gaugee is more fun.
7/20/2008 saw Dakota with Papa and Gaugee we thought we were well prepaired. We had a couple different movies and planned a walk to the park after dinner. A little exercise aids the sleep me thinks. Unfortunately the Movie. she picked "The Jungle Book" was a prtty scary movie if you want know so by the time we got another movie going we had missed the window of opportunity for sleep to fall peacefully. Dakota had been forwarned that there would be no calling home for rescue ( of course we would if.......) It took a long time but Joyce peservered and Dakota was fine in the am not recalling any of the previous nights antics. Joyce was pooped.
August 29th, the day after our 37th Anniversay, We had Dakota and guess what. It was a pretty great evening and not much of a fight in her when bedtime rolled around. I think the girls had the Habit for dinner with fries and a shake and then watched Riverdanc for the Millionth time( I hope that tape breaks real soon, so I don't have to be the cause of it's failure) After all this time she feels like this is her home, which she should, her room upstairs has never been slept in by her. I'm sure she will eventually, maybe when she is six or so. She knows all that stuff up there is hers and she rules her realm with a stearn but benevolent hand. All her babies are well taken care of, and upon arrival here she has to check on all her stuff. I love it.
Nine twenty-six was the last overnighter and it was perfect finally We had dinner that Kristen had prepared Mac and Cheese plus a steak Gaugge and Dakota wanted with a small salad. It smelled great and then we walked to the mailbox doing our usual things. Next was a movie. The thriller Clock Work Orange HaHa, It was Robin Hood the disney animated edition and wasn't half bad. Dakota was really enjoying it, with a Mickey Mouse Lollypop. she had to brush her teeth and the movie came to a great place to pause We hit the pause and by the time she finished that task she was ready for bed, and that was at a little after nine pm . We all had our breakfast in the morning and Mom and Dad showed up a little before noon to take their jeel up to visit Randy's Grandparents in Ojai .
Dakota is definitely growing faster than is believable. All the kids born in the last couple of years are just growing like the proverbial weed. It's good to see them every time and it seems that even a week and you can see them achieving what the week before they struggled with.
nice dad. I love your take on it all. I should write my take on those first couple times. HA!
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