Well where were we, Oh yes, 8 miraculous years and This past December I was coming home from work and noticed a very odd sensation under my tongue. The best I can describe it; is a small piece of a nut caught under there. Well I let it go fro several days as my eating had many problems that I just endured and normally they wentt away. This did not go away, as a matter of fact it got worse. Off to the Dentist, our family for 20+ years looked and said He didn't, but nothing was stuck. That was both good and bad. The pain is still there but He saw nothing. Next we went to our family Doctor with exactly the same results. Fortunately we had a follow-up appointment with the original surgeon at UCLA the following week, My annual visit. I remember It very well, my daughter, and Grand Daughter said they would go with me.
Tuesday came quickly and off we went, the three troopers headed to UCLA the traffic , if you can believe it, was light, We were there a bit early. Supriseingly we went in almost immediately, the normal nurse, ( Grouchy to some but really a heart of gold, and from the Old Sod ) led us to an examination room where the three of us settled in. Dakota, my Grand daughter, was taken with all the gadgets and dodads around the room. Shortly the Dr came in and I explained my problem. Taking his scope he took a peek done my throat and in no less than two seconds He said a new tumor was there. Not related to previous tumor but a new one. He called in the other surgeon who looked and concured. My Dakota, was agast at the Dr putting the scope down my throat and said so right out loud. Then the Dr. Numbed me up to take a sample. Very very painful, shots in the tongue are right up there with the femoral artery needle they give you to check circulation with a dye. Tongue numbed He clipped a few specimens, and said we should set up a surgery date right then.
There we sat waiting our turn to speak with the scheduler and the buildings fire alarm goes off. We are sitting there sort of in that limbo zone of do we run or walk to the exits, when we realized no one, except patients, was reacting to the alarm!!!!! The alarm went on for maybe five to ten minutes before the staff said yes we must evacuate. Off we went to the stairwells where we found a gaggle other Dr's, Patients, etc, not rushing down the stairs. They are hanging out in the stairwell where the scuttlebutt is this a reular occurance. It was eaxactly that 30 miniutes later we were back in with the scheduler and Jan. 23 was the date. On the way home in kind of a myopic haze I told my daughter that I have no regrets, and that I realize my actions caused this problem, so I have to own it. Which I do.
I had to look up myopic. I can't even imagine how surreal that whole experience must have been. However, as you stated, it was completely out of left field. Can't think of what to comment on about those paragraphs. Just a bit more grateful, than I was, for every day we have.
Yeah I have to say your whole no regret coment on the way home was like 'hey lets not go there mister' but I can only imagine what was going on in your head because my head was a mess.
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